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Interviews with James C. Scott: Daily Resistance, Anarchist Calisthenics, On Not Being Governed, which consists of a series of interviews covering many different areas from his childhood to his field research, from his educational life to his view of social sciences of James C. Scott, is one of the first names that come to mind when it comes to the anthropology of the oppressed, makes it possible to follow the undercurrents of the thinker’s theoretical framework. On the one hand, it provides clues on how a social scientist can “look from the inside”, and on the other hand, it critically examines the contributions of thinkers such as E.P. Thompson, Michel Foucault and Pierre Clastres. Featuring Scott’s reflections on the state, resistance, domination, peasant revolts, anarchism, high modernist development projects, bottom-up urban planning, standardization and globalization, Interviews with James C. Scott: Daily Resistance, Anarchist Calisthenics, On Not Being Governed invites the reader to a pleasant and gripping conversation in order to grasp his intellectual universe.